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Bowon Bio Korea Co., Ltd. launches 'Black Moly', a shampoo for reducing hair brightness - News art

관리자 2022-08-29 視圖 1,158

[E-Daily Reporter Yoon-Jeong Lee] Bowon Bio Korea, a global health care product platform company, announced on the 18th that it has launched

the patented shampoo 'Black Moly' through joint research with the 2nd company of the Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute. 



[E-Daily Reporter Yoon-Jeong Lee] Bowon Bio Korea, a global health care product platform company, announced on the 18th that it has launched

the patented shampoo 'Black Moly' through joint research with the 2nd company of the Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute.



​Black moly is not a concept for dyeing normal gray hair or gray hair, but rather the color saturation of bright hair.

As a product that lowers the darkness, the changing

In order to meet the needs, it was developed in a new direction, breaking away from the existing shampoo for hair loss.


Bowon Bio Korea, through a specialized testing institute, has developed

Clinical tests were conducted on scalp keratin cleaning power as well as hair brightness, hair preparation, and hair color durability.

It received an excellent grade in the skin stability clinical test of the German Dermatological Research Institute.

In addition, the antioxidant test showed a high effect of 96.2% of antioxidant power.


In addition, based on the patent developed through joint research with the No. 2 company of the Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute,

Apply propolis extract to Black Moly Complex to nourish the scalp

A technology that helps to reduce hair brightness while supplying is applied.


Kim Ki-young, CEO of Bowon Bio Korea, said, “Black moly shampoo is a great product for alleviating hair loss symptoms.

It is a functional shampoo with functions for temporary gray hair cover and hair brightness reduction.”



-News article-


Source: Edaily
