Company Introduction
Trusted and Trusted Customers Hankukbowonbio Co.,Ltd
Trusted and Trusted Customers Hankukbowonbio Co.,Ltd
CEO’s Greeting
We will be reborn as a national brand dedicated to Korean healthy life
to one hundred-year-old and consider customer satisfaction to bethe top priority.
How are you? I am Ki-young Kim, the CEO of HankukbowonbioCo., Ltd.
Best wishes for health and happiness for all who visit our homepage.
HankukbowonbioCo., Ltd. is always striving to create a happy culture and to improve the quality of healthy life for its customers.
Humans are born in nature and return to nature.
100 Life of Hankukbowonbio Co., Ltdis contained with will and skill to find out human benefit from natural minerals, and to merchandize them, and to naturally combine the human body with themand to preserve
a healthy body.
We have many years of experience in various on-off line distribution know-how, and have maintained
product manufacturing Foundation for oral management to pursue very special science through creating new market, and built manufacturing and distributing business of health jewelry made
from new natural minerals and deployed High-value health care product Platform business and
we are opening up the horizon of the industry of health-care product high growing and living-care rapidly growing based on
IT convergence technology.
The health management product combined with Natural mineral complex(New material) and
IT convergence technology, was proved its stability and excellent effectiveness,
and established the promotion of immunity in the human bodyand HBB "100 life health care product " source technology.
We formed alliance with home and abroad, health-care product, preventive medicine system, bio & beauty product specialized company, and will strengthen group capability in finding markets for items equipped with global competitiveness, and will pursue and actively realize high ideal, and will show you Challenging and innovative features.
Now, We will establish future growth plans through various pipelines,aiming for not only domestic but also foreign markets and will do our best to become HankukbowonbioCo., Ltd. which always strive to grow
as a global market base.
Thank you.